A Mail Group is a group of e-mail addresses. When messages are sent to the mail group, they are forwarded to all e-mail addresses in the group.
To manage mail groups, login to the Hosting Control Panel and then follow the steps as listed below for the various management tasks.
Viewing Mail Groups
To view the list of mail groups, click Mail >> Groups menu item on your space page. Mail Groups page will open.
Adding Mail Group
To add a new mail group
- Open Mail Groups page and click Create Mail Group button. Mail Group Properties page will open.
- Type group name in the E-mail Address box.
- Select an existing mail domain from the drop-down box or click Add Domain to create new domain.
- Type group e-mail addresses in the Group E-Mails box. Enter one e-mail address per line.
- Click Save button.
Deleting Mail Group
To delete a mail group, open the Mail Groups page. Choose mail group you wish to delete and click on the group name. Mail Group Properties page will open. Finally, click the Delete button.